25 October 2011 | Design, JavaScript, Tech

Some things I like this week

Author: Mossy Breen

Here are some things I like this week. Broad category here: Designs, Art, Libraries. I know I’m just linking here, but a lot of interesting things came past my inbox/reader this week.

Cuban Council Portfolio. Found this site today. Very unique design and typography. The blog has a nice collection of photos and design related things. Their portfolio is also very impressive and presented in an unusual yet very usable fashion. They designed the Facebook logo!! Very Cool.

Dublin Contemporary 2011. I highly recommend visiting one of the exhibitions for this. It ends this weekend, so get out quick and snap up some alternative inspiration.

The Role Of Design In The Kingdom Of Content. It’s true now more than ever – Content is King. This article goes a great job explaining why great content needs to be supported by great design. Let your designs support your content, rather than dilute it.

Regardless of what your content actually says, the design around it controls what the users see first and how their eyes move across the sections of the page.

Notificon. A gmail-like favicon notfication library, and all done with JavaScript too. Very Nice.

And finally, because it seems the world cannot have enough lightwieght single use JavaScript libraries: money.js

Designed to work seamlessly with data from the Open Source Exchange Rates API project – but can be set up to use any data source and base currency in just a few lines. And it works as a NodeJS/CJS and RequireJS/AMD module, too. Yay!

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