launch party
Author: Mossy BreenLast night myself, Martin, Garrett and some friends from the Dublin software development scene had the privilege of witnessing the launch of Teamwork PMs latest iteration – the birth of
A little Googling will tell you just how much they spent on that domain name, and there is discussion about how crazy it seems. But I think the important message which can be taken away from this is that the guys have huge pride and confidence in what they are doing. They are here for the long haul and to continue to solve real problems, really well. The polish of the new product and the quality of their marketing website certainly backs up that message.
Having fun with the height difference between Martin and Peter McCanney. Photo taken from Mossy’s eye level.
Left: Garrett Heaver and Martin Wallace at the launch in the gravity bar. Right: The gravity bar as seen from the Guinness Enterprise Centre, Dublin 8.
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