14 January 2015 | News

Attack of the Tutum Clones

Author: Trevor Jobling

2015 is starting off how 2014 ended – with t-shirts!

Hot on the heels of this freebie from Oracle we’ve just landed some free swag from Tutum. Tutum makes it really, really easy to deploy Docker containers in the cloud.

Docker is a fantastic tool that promotes application portability. It comes from a Linux background, but it’s getting good support from Microsoft these days. We do most of our custom software development on the Microsoft platform, and Tutum support Azure too, so we’ll probably be seeing more of it in the future.

I pointed out a minor issue in Tutum’s beta and they rewarded me with this lot – definitely easier than than the MySQL issue last month. Thanks Borja!

So left to right here are Ger, Mossy and me modelling today’s uniform:

  • Beard? check
  • Glasses? check
  • Aeron? check
  • Tutum tee? check

OK lets work!

 Dovetail Tutum clones

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